How Soon We Forget

No more--a weekly update--that's what is going to happen.
Since last time--I believe it was May, 2015--I have finished my first ever art journal. And of course starting off new this year and behind a week or two. But I have a new plan for art journaling groups this year--everything is smaller and if a prompt or theme doesn't move me--I 'm not gonna do it! The Documented Life Project--I'm only creating the weekly PAC (pocket art cards) which for me are 3 x 4. For the Journal 52 and Journal About Me are on 4 x 6 cards. I'm keeping all in 3-ring binders tucked safely inside page protectors.
I'm also working on a daily tangle calendar, and yup I'm a few days behind.
But really--I'm anxious to get back to my watercolors. I miss them, miss painting. I go a few weeks without art and I start feeling blah, but do I get up an go in my art room and create--no I sit and watch tv and feel blah.
For now here are some pictures from the past year, well things I've created since May. And a few pictures from our Disney World trip at Christmas.